"All I Want" By Angie Daniels
5.0 out of 5 stars"All I Want"...A Sizzling Hot Romance Suspense Novella!!! http://amzn.to/2Eow8XX I am a huge fan of Angie Daniels’...

Hot Flash By Carrie H. Johnson
http://amzn.to/2aRKyQ0 I am excited to write this review. I absolutely love everything about this book an then some. It has been a long...

The Bull By D. Camille
5 Stars http://amzn.to/2b2MVDc We are back in the ‘D’ ( Detroit Michigan) and D Camille Maat has done it again with her latest book, THE...

THE LION: D Camille
5 Stars ***** http://amzn.to/1oHo2kh The Lion (The Black Land Series Book 1) did not disappoint. For anybody who was skeptical about this...