The Courtship By D Camille

The Courtship D Camille ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I enjoyed this story tremendously! It’s a great summer read and I highly recommend it. I loved how the citizens of Grayling helped Tiffany and Max get to their HEA. From Max’s daughters, the Book Club, and all of the unforgettable side characters who did their part to encourage and promote the courtship. A Big “Boo & Hiss” goes out to Dr. Gallant and his sidekick Ron. You’ll get that when you read the story. I hope you are acquainted with the Sable Inn Series, because there is definitely a meaningful connection to this series that you will appreciate at every turn of the page. One thing for sure is that you can count on D Camille to promote Black Love, Black people and Black empowerment in her books. THE COURTSHIP encompasses positive messages which enhance the storyline. A Side Note about this series: Author D Camille has created The Book Club Series based loosely on 3 fairy tales. See if you can figure out the fairy tale connected to THE COURTSHIP, D Camille style. Enjoy!