BACK TO YOUR LOVE (The Southern Gentlemen) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 KIANNA ALEXANDER

BACK TO YOUR LOVE (The Southern Gentlemen) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 KIANNA ALEXANDER
Did you ever wonder how you would feel if you saw your first love from high school after 10 years? Imani Grant encountered this situation after she saw Xavier Whitted at Georgia and Tyrone’s wedding. Imani was a bridesmaid and Xavier was the best man. Imani and Xavier were high school sweethearts until they went off to college. Since they were going to different colleges Xavier felt they should go their separate ways. Imani’s knew this was his way of telling her he would be seeing other people. This heart break stayed with Imani for years which made her more determined to obtain her goal of becoming a doctor. After seeing one another at this wedding Xavier knew he still had strong feelings of Imani but also knew he broke her heart. Imani wasn’t sure how she felt but knew she still had feelings for Xavier. During this 10-year separation Xavier became a CPA and was his own boss. He was involved with mentoring young boys at a community center. He was also running for Councilman in his home town, Raleigh. Meanwhile Imani completed her education and become a doctor. She put herself through school by working in a law office as a secretary. But Imani’s main goal was opening her dermatology clinic which she achieved. Xavier pursued Imani, but Imani was hesitant to acknowledge her feelings. She had a secret which would be detrimental to Xavier’s political career. Her cousin, Maya, was the only person who know what this secret was. Imani finally accepted her feelings for Xavier and they started dating. Unfortunately, his campaign manager, Tyrone was not happy. Xavier also has some baggage from a previous relationship which almost derailed his political career. So, with Xavier having this baggage he has trust issues, but he was unaware of this until he found out about Imani’s secret via the News and Observer newspaper instead of from Imani. Now Imani did tell him at the beginning of his pursuit he didn’t know her. She wasn’t the same girl he knew from high school. Now in order for you to find out what Imani’s secret was and how it affected their relationship. Also, how this secret affect Xavier’s political career you will have to read Back to Your Love. There are some other twists and turns the author, Kianna Alexander, adds in Back to Your Love which made this a great read. I highly recommend it.